
Meet Business Development Manager Jeremy Prins


Business Development Manager Jeremy Prins has a special interest in serving business owners.

“I’ve always had a passion for entrepreneurs,” Jeremy says. “My father, father-in-law and wife are all business owners, and I’ve spent a lot of time serving businesses in my previous positions to facilitate loan requests.”

In fact, Jeremy has closed more than 60 commercial loans and has much experience handling business acquisitions, purchases, refinances and the construction of commercial buildings.

“My goal is to keep business owners’ minds off finance,” Jeremy says, “and focused on what they do best: making, selling and providing great products and services.”

Jeremy enjoys working closely with his clients to help them grow in whatever ways make the most sense—whether that’s opening operating lines of credit, purchasing new equipment or introducing electronic payments systems and check scanning machines to improve payment efficiencies.

“My greatest blessing in this position is to meet a business owner for the first time and listen to their story: how they got their start, the family business, the history, the changes and where they’re going,” he adds.

“I love passionate business owners who really believe in what they do. And I’m fortunate to help them take steps here and there to keep moving, growing and thriving.”

Jeremy is a graduate of Calvin College and has been with Consumers since 2014. He serves our Grand Rapids market and is a member of the Economic Club of Grand Rapids, the Commercial Alliance of Realtors of West Michigan and attends Ada Bible Church in Kentwood.

The married father of two is an avid hockey fan and what he self-describes as a “poor men’s league hockey player.”


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