
Meet Business Development Manager Jeff Chappell


With a decade of experience helping West Michigan businesses, Jeff Chappell knows that relationships matter. That’s why for most of his career he has focused on entrepreneurial professionals and business owners by walking alongside his clients as their companies develop and grow.

“We all only get one life, so we must live it to the fullest and take advantage of every single day we get,” Jeff says. “I take and use this advice daily.”

Jeff graduated from Western Michigan University’s Haworth College of Business with a bachelor’s degree of business administration in finance. He enjoys strong connections in the business community and belongs to the Alpha Kappa Psi Co-Ed Professional Business Fraternity and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

Outside of work, Jeff and his wife maintain a membership with the Grand Rapids Community Foundation. The duo are self-described foodies and enjoy all that West Michigan has to offer, including being out and about around town. In his downtime, Jeff can be found reading his new favorite book, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” and is never one to turn away a plate of crispy bacon with his breakfast.

Jeff is a business development manager with your long-term growth on his mind. Contact him today!


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