
Why you should consider a safe deposit box


Safe deposit boxes protect your family’s most important valuables and documents from fire, water, natural disasters, and theft. On top of that they ensure you have added privacy for your items.

People use safe boxes to store a number of important documents and valuables. This includes the following: a copy of your will, your birth certificate, family heirlooms, gems, a copy of a your passport, your marriage certificate, separation /divorce papers, college degree, professional license, social security card, stock and bond certificates, health information, military records, deeds, titles or insurance documents,

“A lot of people have home safes, but feel more comfortable with their valuables in a vault that cannot be hauled away,” says Kim Ferris, Milwood office manager.

One thing to not store in your safe deposit box would be the original copy of your will. This is especially important if you are the only renter for your safe deposit box, because your family and relatives that are not co-renters on your safety deposit box will not have immediate access to your box if you pass away. Although many people believe that their power of attorney can access their safe deposit box after they pass on, unfortunately that’s not the case because the power of attorney loses that ability in the unfortunate occurrence of an untimely death.

Consumers’ safe deposit boxes offer an alternative and more secure location to keep your valuables. We offer a variety of sizes and prices to accommodate your needs at our South Haven office and our Milwood office in Kalamazoo. Sizes and availability vary by location. Please contact our office team or Member Service Center at 800-991-2221 for more details.

Note: You must be 18 years or older to rent a safety deposit box.


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  1. Judy Sibley says:

    When you build new headquarters in the Groves, will you have safety deposit boxes there?

  2. Gerald Romig says:

    What sizes do you have and what are their prices. Thank you

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