
When fraudsters attack!


In a connected world, fraud is all too common of an occurrence. According to LifeLock*, there are seven ways thieves can obtain your personal information. Today we will discuss the three primary ways and how you can protect yourself. 

  1. Data breach
    What is it? A data breach occurs when a thief breaks into the server of a store or website. The information they steal varies, but often they capture your name, address and credit card information.

    How can I protect myself? Give out as little information as possible when making a purchase, and, if possible, make your purchase using a mobile wallet to keep your credit card information protected.

  2. Email attacks
    What is it? Email attacks are known as phishing. This happens when a thief sends an email to someone containing a link, often pretending they need personal information to verify a purchase or prevent accounts from being shutdown. When the recipient clicks on the link, they are taken to a web page that looks legitimate but has been created by the thief. The victim enters their information and the thieves go on a spending spree. 

    How can I protect myself? Do not click on any links sent to you in an email that say you need to enter personal information. Instead, enter websites directly into your web browser. 

  3. Phone/Voicemail attacks
    What is it? Voicemail attacks are called vishing. A thief calls your voicemail and impersonates an agent from a business, service provider or the IRS. The thief says that unless you call back and give them personal information you will be sued, go to jail or have your accounts seized.

    How can I protect myself? If you receive a phone call from someone threatening action, tell them you will call them back. Hang up, look up their phone number online and make the call.  Never call back using a phone number given to you on the phone call or voicemail. You’ll end up talking to another thief!

Despite your best efforts, you may end up the victim of fraud.If this happens, don’t panic! Contact Consumers (or your financial institution)and let them know there’s a purchase you don’t recognize. They will begin the process to help you identify the merchant, determine if it’s fraud and dispute the charge if necessary. Be vigilant, be safe and remember that we’re always here to help!



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