
Remembering those who gave all


Three ways to observe Memorial Day and honor the legacy of those who died in the line of duty.

On Memorial Day, we honor all military members who have died in the line of duty. Parades, cemetery visits and memorial ceremonies are meaningful ways to remember our bravest men and women. Here are three more ways to honor them even beyond this day of remembrance.

  1. Share their legacy through stories. Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to secure a legacy for those who have fallen in service to our country. If you’re a veteran, share your stories. If a family member was a veteran, repeat their stories to keep their history alive. Veteran’s Legacies is a website that preserves the individual legacy of veterans. Find stories, add stories or donate to preserve veterans’ photographs, films and written documents here. Also, check out the Veterans Legacy Program at the Veteran’s Administration (VA). This three-year-old program is a partnership between the VA and universities to document and memorialize veterans’ lives. Watch some of the stirring videos here.
  2. Volunteer to help the Veteran’s Administration’s National Cemetery Administration. Volunteers are needed to help at the time of burial, staff information centers, and plan and coordinate special events. Some folks also research and document cemetery history and educate the public about the nation’s history and veterans’ sacrifices.
  3. Create a memorial garden, or even planter, in honor of a loved one lost in military service. Use traditional red, white and blue flowers or choose flowers that were meaningful to your loved one. Incorporate objects that are symbolic of your loved one, keeping in mind that they will be exposed to weather and may deteriorate.

Today and always, our hearts are grateful to those who gave their all so that we may live in freedom.


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