
Protect your mobile information


Most of us are inseparable from our smartphones. We share pictures as we go about our day, tweet out the articles we’ve enjoyed, keep track of our bank accounts on the go, and ask Siri, Alexa or Google for directions.

All of that activity helps us get our daily tasks done and stay in touch with friends and family; however, it can also leave a data trail for those who would use our information for more malicious purposes.

Internet security experts recommend that you selectively disable geotagging on your phone, so that you’re not giving out your location every time you share a picture or a status update, while still being able to use your maps applications to get directions.

By removing geotagging on your photos, they will no longer contain data indicating where the picture was taken—data that can reveal your home address, work address, favorite shops and more. This gives you more control over who has access to your personal information.


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