
Friday Five Business Briefing – May 10, 2017


Female small business owner holding an "OPEN" sign while smiling

A quick roundup of resources to help you run your business and your life better.

  1. How do you hire a sales pro who can make it rain? Here are 4 signs you have an “A” player in the interview who will generate five times more revenue than “B” players and ten times more than “C” players.
  2. You just made five great contacts at a networking event – now what? Use this infographic to create a system to follow up and build relationships.
  3. Hear why David Gluckman, one of the creators of the world-famous Bailey’s Irish Cream, says you should never have a plan B when it comes to product development in this podcast.
  4. Trying to save a few bucks by using free wi-fi? Find out why you need to stop using public wi-fi.
  5. Check out how Crayola drives consumer engagement with a contest to name its new blue color here. Have a little fun while you’re at it and come up with a new name yourself!

Do you have business banking questions? Contact our knowledgeable Business Development Managers or call 800-991-2221. We’re here to help you grow your business!

Thanks to our Friday Five Sources: Sales Benchmark Index, Visualistan, Idea to Value, Harvard Business Review, and Crayola.


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