
Complimentary gift wrapping stations


Wrapping station sign with a brown and red bird with a santa hat carrying a gift box in its beak

You’re on your way to the big holiday party and realize you forgot to wrap your present. (You know, the one in the backseat with the price tag still on it.) No worries. Take a deep breath and head on over to the nearest Consumers location.

Wrapping paper. Bows. Tape. Scissors. We’ve got all of the supplies you’ll need to save the day—and free coffee to boot.

From now until Christmas our complimentary gift wrapping stations are open and ready for your use. Stop on by the next time you are out shopping and need to wrap a few gifts before heading home.

Merry Christmas!

Consumers Credit Union


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  1. Carol Newton says:

    Wow, what a nice thing to do! I love Consumers Credit Union

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  2. Jody R. says:

    Leave it to Consumer’s Credit Union to come up with such a thoughtful service!

  3. Cassie says:

    Do you have a visa or MasterCard gift card? If so how much?

  4. Gloria Randolph says:

    This is a great way to give back to your customers and to save on Holiday Stress that many face.
    Thank you for always thinking 2 steps ahead. That is why I always recommend you to all my family and friends.
    Hoping all have a great holiday.! Thank you again.

  5. Stephanie Morgan says:

    You are pretty awesome

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