
6 ways to save cash in college


a man has hid head on a desk behind a pile of books

A college education is one of the most expensive purchases a person can make. In addition to tuition, a student needs to consider the price of textbooks, supplies, housing (whether it’s on-campus or off-campus), food, clothing and so much more.

We’ve created an infographic to show you how quickly expenses add up.

If those numbers are scary, you’re not alone! We’re here to help you save some cash and your peace of mind with 6 ways to save cash in college.

  1. Buy used books or eBooks. Your college bookstore has everything you need for your classes, but that doesn’t mean they have the best prices. Check out the used book section or search websites for deals. Ask your professor if you can use an older edition – these are often cheaper and have the same great information. Finally, see what eBooks are available. It pays to shop around!
  2. Eat out less. We get it. Eating pizza and guzzling down the latest multi-colored latte is our idea of living our best life. But consider that you can easily spend $10 a day eating out and you’ll realize that an extra $70 a week (or $280 a month) is a large expense. If you have an on-campus meal plan, stick to it! If you’re on your own, go grocery shopping and hit those sales.
  1. Buy used or lower spec electronics. Who doesn’t love a shiny new piece of tech? A new iPad Pro to complement your new MacBook Pro may give you the look of the up and coming, has it all together college student, but the newest and most powerful technology won’t help you learn. Instead, consider buying used from reputable websites or refurbished items from your favorite brands. As always, shop around and keep in mind that you’ll be able to afford the really nice stuff after you get your degree.
  1. Look for second-hand dorm room furnishings. By now you can see we have a pretty strong theme going – used items are pure gold for a college student! Check out resale shops for decent furniture and decorations. You might even find a retro treasure that will stay with you well after you’ve left school.
  1. Get some sleep. This may feel like it doesn’t belong on the list, but we assure you that sleep is important. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you might end up getting sick. Doctor visits and medication cost money. When you’re not getting enough rest, you may feel as if problems are bigger than they are, and this could lead to impulse purchases to make yourself feel better. No one lives their best life when they’re sleepy all the time.
  1. Open a Simple Checking account with Consumers Credit Union. We saved the best for last! (Yes, it’s a shameless plug, and we’re okay with that.) A Simple Checking account from Consumers can help you save money and time with eStatements*, a debit card, mobile banking and more! You can open an account online or at a local office.

College is expensive, but a few smart decisions can help you save some cash and sleep easy. Have a great year, students!

*See our Fee Schedule for additional information

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