
Consumers named BizLibrary’s Program of the Year


Biz Library award in front of a floral centerpiece

Achievement of learning goals and excellence in corporate communication cited in win

Consumers Credit Union’s wellness, onboarding and training programs are often recognized for awards both regionally and nationally. The team earned another nod in favor of its robust training program in early September when its eLearning approach was recognized as BizLibrary’s 2017 Program of the Year.

The credit union uses BizLibrary’s eLearning platform as a one-stop shop for training, where employees can sign in at their convenience and access both required and optional eLearning videos, register for training classes, review a custom eMagazine and take comprehension quizzes.

“We have 270+ employees working in more than 20 locations across West Michigan,” cited Vice President of Organizational Development Kristen Davidson. “BizLibrary allows us to provide consistent training tools and courses to achieve our organization’s goals and develop our people.

“Though we do a lot of in-house training face-to-face, our online component is an integral part of the program, and the two work hand-in-hand.”

For example, Consumers’ trainers are able to assign BizLibrary content as a pre-learning requirement for many of their classroom sessions, which has helped to cut training time and costs, and improve retention and preparedness for in-class learning.

This is not the first time BizLibrary has recognized Consumers’ training approach. In August, the credit union was featured on the training software’s blog as the Client of the Month.


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