
It’s your day to relax!


Woman sitting outside on brown wooden chair with feet up on railing beside a coconut

15 ideas for rejuvenation that don’t require any planning or spending a dime.

In honor of Labor Day, here are 15 ideas for relaxing, unwinding and rejuvenating on your day off. Best of all, they don’t require any planning and are free to do. (And if you have to work today, save these ideas for your next day off.)

  1. Siesta! Find a comfy place, whether that’s out in a hammock, lying on the beach, or heading back to bed, and take a nap.
  2. Watch clouds. Lie down, look up and let your imagination go. Did that dragon just turn into Spiderman?
  3. Go for a walk. Saunter around the neighborhood or hit a nearby trail.
  4. Catch up with an old friend. Make a call to someone you miss but haven’t connected with lately. Chances are you both have the day off and will have time to talk.
  5. Take me-time. Even 15 minutes of solitude can be immensely relaxing.
  6. Take a break from devices. Turn off your phone, tablet and smart watch; skip the social media alerts; and let email sit until tomorrow.
  7. Work out if workouts relax you.
  8. Read something you enjoy but haven’t had time for.
  9. Listen to music without doing anything else.
  10. Start or update your journal. If you’re not sure what to write, try starting with a gratitude list. Or, start with one of these prompts.
  11. Plan your next vacation.
  12. Play horseshoes or play tag. Play the guitar or play a joke. Play a board game or play cards. Do it purely for fun.
  13. Stretch your body. You don’t have to know yoga—just extend your body in any direction that feels good.
  14. Savor your food. Slow down and really taste your food and drink.
  15. Watch a movie or favorite show guilt-free. Really enjoy the experience of being entertained.

So, which one do you choose?

At Consumers, our entire team has the day off, but we’ll be back at work tomorrow to serve you. Visit your local office or give us a call at call 800-991-2221. We’re here to make banking easy for you!

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