
New chairman, board of director positions selected at Consumers Credit Union annual meeting

Kalamazoo, MICH — Consumers Credit Union held its 68th Annual Meeting on March 25, at which time eight-year director Brent Bassett was elected as the new chairman of the board of directors.

Bassett is the director of Phillips Service Industries, Inc. and president and founder of BDN Industrial Hygiene Consultants, Inc., which focuses on safety, health and environmental consulting.

He takes over the position from longtime board chairman Brad Lawton, who retired at the end of 2018.

“Brent is an incredible leader and a successful businessman, who I know will guide Consumers with wisdom and member service foremost in mind,” said Kit Snyder, CEO and president. “What’s more, he’s an even kinder person.”

Other board members elected in the subsequent board meeting included Kim Shook (BASIC) as vice chair, Pat O’Connor (retired) as secretary, and Kevin McPherson (Rose Street Advisors) as treasurer.

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