
Friday Five Business Briefing – April 12, 2019


Here’s news to help you run your business better, including how local communities are responding to Michigan’s recreational pot law, how to create better marketing videos and one of Warren Buffett’s secrets to success.

  1. 400+ Michigan communities say no to pot businesses — Last fall, Michigan voters said yes to recreational marijuana, but many municipalities are saying, “Not here.” Many cite vague and ambiguous language in the law that clouds what it really means to opt into the budding marijuana market. Read more here.
  2. Turn your office into a video studio­­ — take your marketing and sales videos up a few (or many) notches with these HubSpot tutorials on filming high-quality videos in your office.
  3. Procrastination is not about laziness — Putting things off is more about regulating emotions rather than managing time. Get the whole story on how to rewire your brain to stop procrastinating.
  4. Exit interviews transformed into conscious corporate uncoupling — Employee turnover at Patagonia is rare but when employees leave, a heart-to-heart conversation with the chief human resources officers starts not with “Why are you leaving?” but with “Why did you join?” Get the whole story here.
  5. Warren Buffett’s success is because of what he hasn’t done? For Buffett, his “inner scorecard” guides his life and has paved his way to success. See how having your own inner scorecard can lead you to success too.

Thank you to our Friday Five sources: Detroit Free Press, HubSpot, The New York Times, Quartz and Inc.

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