
Is that purchase too good to be true?


A boy and girl with glasses reacting excitedly to a laptop


What to look for before making a purchase online.

The internet will continue to change the way in which we work, live, and shop that it can be hard to ensure you are doing the safest thing. Shopping in particular is now easier than ever, which also means it is easier for fraudsters to lure you in with flashy sales or unbelievable deals. Don’t worry though because we are here to help keep you and your finances safe from bad deals. Here is what to look for when making a purchase online:

1: Check out the companies “about us” page and look for their contact information. A genuine company will have a verified address and more importantly phone numbers for you to contact. If the contact page brings you to an email form, that can be a red flag. Also keep it local. If the company is based overseas, don’t be lured by a low price because you can still end up with high shipping costs, international fees, and the increased risk of fraud.

2: Do some research and take a moment before finalizing the purchase. It’s as easy as doing a simple google search to see reviews and confirm whether or not the company is legit. If lots of people have experienced issues, then you can expect to experience the same problems yourself. Lastly, a genuine company will offer their terms and conditions for you to conveniently look over.

3: Trust your gut and if you have some reservations about making that purchase, take some time to think it over. Buyer’s remorse is real and you will feel it a lot worse if the company is not legit. More times than not, if you see a deal claiming to offer a limited time price reduction on high ticket items, it is too good to be true.

There you have it. Three quick and easy steps that can save you a ton of time, stress and money! You’re financial safety and success matters to us so if you have questions, give us a call at 800.991.2221 or email us at cuonline@consumerscu.org.




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