
Fueling business growth at the holidays


An out-of-focused photo of lights on a Christmas tree

Whether you run full speed ahead or you’re in a lull at year-end, you can position yourself for growth in 2019.

Many businesses operate at full-speed over the holidays while others slow to a crawl. Either way, December is a time to engage with clients, customers and employees.

If December is your busy time …

  • You might need extra help to handle the holiday rush. Are there college students who worked over the summer you might call in? Others who could help?
  • Embrace the holiday spirit. Take pictures and post them on social media for all to see. You put up decorations? Post a photo! Employees are wearing ugly Christmas sweaters? Post a photo! You offer free gift wrapping? Post a photo! Holiday-themed photos engage customers and employees.
  • Step back from daily operations and notice what your customers experience. Make adjustments when you can. Keep notes on trends and customer expectations. This will help you when planning next year’s holiday season.
  • Schedule downtime. Plan time for yourself and with family and friends; honor these commitments. The time you take will rejuvenate your spirit and make you more effective when you get back to work.

If your business slows down over the holidays …

  • Use this period for planning you’re otherwise too busy to do. Look at your marketing strategy, sales funnel, product line and talent pool – what areas need attention to fuel growth in 2019?
  • Encourage employees to take vacation during the lull. Maybe take one yourself.
  • Show your gratitude by making a call or writing a thoughtful email. Better yet, hand deliver a gift card to those who help helped you succeed this year. Who made it possible for you to land a big client this year? Which clients contributed to your growth? Who on your team stepped up to lead? Express your gratitude and strengthen your relationships.
  • Have discovery conversations with clients and employees. What went well this year? How can you serve them better next year? What ideas do they have?

Have a successful December and discover how you can position your company for growth in 2019!

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