Home décor trends to try
These five design trends might just be what your home needs for a fresh look and feel.
Trend #1: Navy blue is the new black
Navy blue is just as versatile as a pair of blue jeans. Design firm Boca Do Lobo
says this shade can be used as both a neutral or an accent. Take a look at how timeless navy blue can take the place of black here.
Trend #2: Sofas with something to say
Real Simple says to capitalize on the biggest piece of furniture in your living room. Make a strong statement with “heavily tufted sofas that make their presence known.” Go for colors that pop, like emerald green or deep periwinkle.
Trend #3: Lighting with an artisan touch
Shelves at home improvement stores are packed with millions of look-alike light fixtures. One trend among designers is to choose fixtures from local artisans. It’s a personalized touch in a high-tech world.
Trend #4: Décor influenced by desire for wellness
Making home a comfy and cozy place you never want to leave has been trending for several years. Now, folks are bringing in design elements from their favorite resorts, spas and yoga studios. You’ll see it reflected in breezy rattan furniture, indoor potted plants and crystals.
Trend #5: Two-tone kitchen cabinets
There’s no reason all the cabinets in your kitchen have to be the same! A growing trend is to incorporate different styles for upper and lower cabinets. For example, a combination of bleached wood and vibrant paint is fresh and feels exceptionally personal.
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