
Business Briefing: Make 2018 the best year ever for your business


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As part of your business strategy for 2018, lay the foundation now for better budgeting, productivity, social media, planning and networking

Budget tips to keep cash flowing

Budget planning is a must. Rachel Jiminez at PaySimple recommends the zero-based method. This means you don’t automatically budget for something just because you spent the money this year. With zero-based budgeting, every expense is analyzed, and it identifies where you can cut costs because of changing needs. Get all 5 of Rachel’s budgeting tips here.

7 planners for productivity

If your productivity suffers because of disorganized or inefficient planning, you may need a new system. Inc. recently reviewed seven planners. We like their list because it has planners for chronic procrastinators (Panda Planner), improving productivity (The Mastery Journal), a planner you design to suit your needs (Agendio), and four more. Read the complete review here.

Accelerating social media trends

Gen Z has grown up in a world where there has never not been an Internet. You’ll find them on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. Instagram Stories is growing, too. Find out more about staying relevant on social media with this report from Entrepreneur.

Don’t focus on the competition

Forbes writer Louis Mosca says business owners should turn their attention away from the competition and focus on themselves. “Recognize your competition for who they are, and then put your best foot forward.” Get his whole plan for the year here.

Maximize your networking

Thriving businesses invest time and effort in networking. And smart business owners know that networking is not the same as selling. Entrepreneur outlines the five types of business networking organizations as casual, strong, community service clubs, professional associations and online/social media networks. Identify which one will best meet your needs and commit to networking more in 2018.

To help stay on track with your networking goals in the new year, The Reluctant Networker offers free weekly tips to learn the techniques and mental tactics to become a better networker. Sign up here for 52 connection tips.

Establish your priorities for 2018 now and set yourself up for greater success than ever in the new year!

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