
Business Briefing: Is your customer service as good as you think?


If a prospective customer sent an email asking two questions: Do you have a phone number I can call and where is pricing info on your website? – How would your customer service measure up?

According to Forbes coverage of a new Customer Service Benchmark Report, it’s scary how poorly many companies respond. Of the 500 companies queried, only 11% answered both questions in the first reply, and almost none followed up after the initial reaction!

To make sure your customer service is living up to its name, here are some best practices from the report:

  • Answer emails right away. If you don’t have a ready answer, let your customer know when to expect a reply.
  • Use automated responses to acknowledge that you received the email. Include a phone number and working hours.
  • Follow up to find out if customers are satisfied and if there are requests that are still open.
  • Solve the request in the first reply.
  • Be speedy in your response.
  • Make your contact info findable at the top of every webpage.
  • Be sincere and friendly, as if you’re talking in person.

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  1. Pedro Montoya III says:

    To whom it may concern,

    I would like to give a shoutout to one customer service representative; his name was Jamie, (hopefully spelled correctly,) and he was knowledgeable, willing, and just overall professional and pleasant to deal with. Someone give him a crisp high-five for me, and maybe even take him out to lunch. He deserves it.

    Sincercly, Pedro Montoya III

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