
Meet Mortgage Loan Officer Heidi!


Heidi Bish joined Consumers Credit Union as a consumer lender five years ago, but soon discovered a passion for mortgage lending. A graduate of Eastern Michigan University with a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, Heidi enjoys supporting and educating people and considers her role as Mortgage Loan Officer a dream job. Heidi loves having the opportunity to get to know each and every one she works with, and sharing the moment when they find their dream home.

Heidi’s free time is spent happily camping, boating, and biking with her husband and three amazing children. She also finds time for many volunteer organizations, such as Relay for Life, Meals on Wheels, and Communities in Schools. She is also a proud member of the Greater Kalamazoo Association of Realtors.

“I truly enjoy every day of my job and feel that I am still using my teaching skills to educate our members about the value of credit,” said Heidi. A Maya Angelou quote that Heidi lives by is “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”


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