The Rundown

As an employer, a company retirement plan may help you:

  • Save for your own retirement
  • Potentially receive tax credit and other incentives from the federal government
  • Attract—and keep—better employees

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That’s great, so what are your options? 


Features of a SEP IRA plan:

  • Low cost
  • Employer contributions are deductible business expenses
  • Flexible contribution limits; you decide how much to contribute
  • Annual contributions are not required
  • Easy setup and administration
  • Minimum paperwork; no complex IRS reporting requirements

Features of a SIMPLE IRA plan:

  • Low cost
  • Employees contribute to their own accounts
  • Employer match is a tax-deductible business expense
  • Easy setup and administration
  • No complex IRS reporting requirements
401(k) Plans

Features of a 401(k) plan:

  • Employees contribute to their own accounts
  • Employer contributions (including match), if any, are deductible business expenses
  • Flexible program designs to suit employer needs
Payroll Deduction IRAs

Features of a payroll deduction IRA program:

  • Low cost
  • Employee contributions are automatically deducted from their paychecks to their own accounts
  • Easy setup and administration
  • No complex IRS reporting requirements